Course curriculum

    1. 0.1 Dialectical Thinking

    2. 0.2 Behavioral Therapy + Establishing Target Behaviors

    3. 0.3 Chain Analysis (BONUS video)

    4. DBT E-Course Core Module 0-1 INTERACTIVE E-WORKBOOK (14pgs)


    6. Welcome to this E-Course!

    7. Delivery of the Modules

    1. 1.1 Discussion & Definitions of Mindfulness

    2. 1.2 BONUS Interrelation Between Mindfulness, Self-Regulation, & Ongoing Self-Care

    3. 1.3 Mindfulness Skill #1: Wise Mind

    4. 1.4 The Mindfulness What Skills (#2-4): Observe, Describe, & Participate

    5. 1.5 The Mindfulness How Skills (#5-7): Non-Judgmentally, One-Mindfully, & Effectively

    6. 1.6 BONUS Mindfulness Skill #8: Letting Be, Letting Go, Letting In

    7. Observe the Breath

    8. Diaphramatic Breathing

    9. Sea & Space Odyssey

    10. DBT E-Course Core Module 0-1 INTERACTIVE E-WORKBOOK (14pgs)

    11. The Mindfulness How Skills: E-HANDOUT

    12. The Mindfulness What Skills: E-HANDOUT

About this course

  • Free
  • 19 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content